UR Murray

UR Murray

What is Murray high school and what does it mean to me?

I am a student at murray high school, so I have to show up each day ready to learn and work hard. I am a member of the interact club, so I am involved in service projects every month! Through going to school and clubs I create friends and a better environment for other students at Murray high school. I am involved in Murray high activities, I go to school dances, football games, basketball games, and hockey games. I feel like I bring a good spirit to these games and being with me friends and fellow students who do as well.
I am also an athlete for Murray high school! I play on the men’s soccer team, from being on the team, it means that I need to come to school and achieve good grades, or I will not be eligible to play. I must also create a good image for myself, or else the coaches will not want me to be a part of the team. Murray is a wonderful school, and I am glad to be a part of it.

Spartan S.P.A.R. is a great way to sum up how we act at Murray high, we serve, participate, achieve respect. That is what Murray is all about! I am so glad I am a part of Murray.


  1. I keep trying to edit it, but the words wont stay onside the white paper. Im not sure if I typed it wrong.


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